Project: Atlanta Dairies, Brownsfield Development
Atlanta, Georgia
The Subject Property historically operated as the Atlanta Dairies cooperative for 60+ years. The Brownfields redevelopment of the facility consisted of renovation of an existing building, extensive additions to that building and the planned construction of a new two-story office and retail space. An existing catwalk/troll bar connecting the structures was revitalized and additional catwalks were constructed to interconnect the buildings. A new pedestrian plaza is being constructed in the center of the development along with a new music venue on the southeast portion of the site. NOVA provided numerous environmental, geotechnical, and forensic engineering services for this 9.8-acre Georgia Brownfield property on Memorial Drive. NOVA worked with the project team to mitigate geotechnical issues such as foundation support over debris laden fill and environmental concerns including five (5) former Underground Storage Tanks (USTs), chlorinated solvent impacted groundwater and petroleum impacted soil and groundwater. NOVA has and continues to successfully guide our Client through the due diligence process, foundation support, regulatory notifications reporting, Georgia Brownfield process, implementation of the approved corrective action through remediation and abatement tasks, vapor intrusion assessment and mitigation, and regulatory closure.
Services Provided: Environmental Consulting, Brownfields Redevelopment, Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Materials Testing, Forensic Investigations/Non-Destructive Testing, Property Condition Assessment
Dates of Service: March 2015 – August 2018
Reference Contact: Larkin Owner, LLC/Paces Properties; Pat Wilson; 770.434.2300