September 5, 2023
Lead and copper are naturally occurring metals that are often used in indoor plumbing whether in the pipes or the solder used at pipe joints. Water, particularly corrosive water, can dissolve small amounts of these metals into drinking water. The potential for leaching increases the longer the water is in contact with plumbing components.
If you notice a blue tint in drinking water, the culprit is likely copper in your well water. When water is left sitting in plumbing for an extended period some leaching can occur leading to a reaction between the pipes and water that causes the blue-green tint. Additional signs of contamination can include a slight metallic taste or stains on porcelain fixtures. In most cases, allowing the water to run for 30-60 seconds before using it should keep copper levels low.
NOVA is consistently sought out to assess potential illicit discharges and pollutants, usually in connection with a blue color observed in the water. NOVA collects water samples to determine the source of the potential pollutant and can help determine if Copper, Lead and Zinc are present in samples. NOVA’s environmental professionals can also put a plan together to help in determining a plan of action and will collect water samples to determine baseline limits. We’ve assisted schools, construction services companies, public municipalities, and private developers to protect public health and drinking water systems.